Full Name
Jill Feldman
Job Title
Lung Cancer Patient and Advocate
Speaker Bio
Jill Feldman is a lung cancer patient and advocate. When Jill was 13 years old, she lost her dad and two grandparents to lung cancer and then her mom and close aunt died of lung cancer when she was in her 20’s. In 2009, at 39 years old with four small children, Jill herself was diagnosed with EGFR positive lung cancer.

Jill is committed to understanding and promoting patient-centered research as Chair of IASLC’s patient advisory board, member of the programmatic panel for the Department of Defense Lung Cancer Research Program, a member of the the ECOG-ACRIN Research Group’s patient advocate committee and thoracic committee and as the patient advocate on the National Lung Cancer Round Table steering committee. She is a co-founder of the EGFR Resisters, a grassroots, patient-driven community committed to accelerating research that will prolong and better the lives of people diagnosed with EGFRm lung cancer.

Jill also continues to share her story in the media and at various events and participates in countless advocacy opportunities to shine a light on lung cancer to end the stigma associated with it and to embed a health equity lens in all aspects of research and care.
Jill Feldman